A key function of the VCSE Alliance is to facilitate representation at range of boards and committees, at system, place and neighbourhood levels.
Being part of these meetings is a key mechanism for influencing decisions about services and support for local people and their communities. Representatives from the VCSE take information and intelligence collected from their geographical or service areas.
VCSE Alliance representatives require skills and experience in the relevant area of the subject meeting they are appointed to, as well as a personal commitment to contribute as part of a collaborative approach to the future needs of Worcestershire. The Alliance has a Representation sub-group that oversees the management of this process.

Learn more about Representatives
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health Inequality, Prevention and Personalised Care Board (HIPP)
The purpose of this board has strategic oversight of NHS delivery in addressing health inequalities, through prevention and personalisation. It seeks to assure sufficient progress against agreed ICS deliverables.
Specific to HIPP Responsibilities include:
- To monitor health inequalities, unwarranted variation at ICS level and agree prioritisation
- To oversee the local HIPP dashboard to ensure progress
- To monitor NHS LTP deliverables across health inequalities, prevention, personalisation, Core20PLUS5
- To influence creating a culture where addressing health inequalities is everyone’s business
- To challenge insufficient progress via the appropriate workstream Exec Leads and take back to the relevant groups / forums
- To ensure health inequalities are being addressed through prevention and personalisation through the key programmes, agreed at system delivery programme boards
Worcestershire Executive Committee (WEC)
Worcestershire Executive Committee plays an important role in promoting the health and wellbeing of the local community.
The purpose of the Worcestershire Executive Committee (WEC) is to work in partnership with the Health and Wellbeing Board to provide leadership for, and delivery of, the strategy and outcomes framework for the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System at a Place level in Worcestershire.
Representative – Julia Neal
Worcestershire Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB)
The VCSE member of the Worcestershire Health and Wellbeing Board plays an important role in promoting the health and wellbeing of the local community.
The purpose of the role is to represent the points of view of the VCSE sector so that the Health and Wellbeing board’s decisions consider the needs, priorities of specific communities.
Representative – Chris Roberts, CEO CAB Redditch and Bromsgrove (link)
Mental Health Collaborative Committee (MHCC)
The VCSE member of the Mental Health Collaborative Committee plays an important role in promoting the mental health and wellbeing of the local community.
The purpose of the Mental Health Collaborative Committee is to work in partnership with the Mental Health Collaborative Executive to provide leadership for the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care System at a Place level in Worcestershire.
Representative – Steve Brewster, Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire and Chair of VCSE Mental Health Steering Group (check with Sophie)