Bromsgrove VCSE Network Meetings
If you are a VCSE organisation in Bromsgrove and would like to contribute to the work in your district, please contact Gary Roskell – to join the bi-monthly Bromsgrove and Redditch Network Meetings or Community Worker’s Network.
Community Workers Bromsgrove
Community Workers Bromsgrove is a quarterly meeting of frontline staff and volunteers, an opportunity for community workers to get together and talk about their work. Everyone welcome. Venues change each meeting. Contact for more information and to confirm attendance.
BARN Network Meeting
A bi-monthly meeting, alternating between Bromsgrove and Redditch, which looks at strategic matters affecting the VCS in the area. Meetings are primarily for BARN members, and is aimed at CEOs or senior managers. Venues change each meeting, and are hybrid – virtual and face to face. Contact for more information about membership and the meetings.
Bromsgrove | Bromsgrove and Redditch Community Network Meetings | B.A.R.N | 27/2 24 at 10.00am, Bromsgrove Methodist Church Centre, 19 Stratford Rd, Bromsgrove, B60 1AS | Bi-monthly | Gary Roskell – |
Bromsgrove and District Collaborative
View Bromsgrove and District Collaborative membership, priorities and overview of plan agreed with partner organisations:
View the Bromsgrove District Collaborative showcase presentation here:
View Bromsgrove and District Collaborative June 2023 update:
View Bromsgrove Mental Health Provision Summary 2024: