Calls for Expressions of Interest in Tender for Phase 2 of Understanding and Strengthening the VCSE

We are looking for a VCSE sector organisation or individual who as worked within the sector to lead the next project phase which focusses on surveys and engagement.


Worcestershire VCSE Alliance is developing a research and evaluation project called Understanding and Strengthening the VCSE, funded by Worcestershire County Council.

The aim of this project is to build on existing information and intelligence gathered in phase one research to achieve the following;

  1. Develop a more detailed picture of the services delivered by the VCSE in Worcestershire, and
  2. Identify the current strengths, challenges, opportunities and areas for development for VCSE organisations in the county’. 
  3. Develop a better understanding of the gaps in services and potential impact on residents.

This information will be used by the Alliance to develop a VCSE strategy with delivery plans to strengthen the sector as a whole. We have formed a multi-agency Steering Group to direct this work.

Phase one of this work has recently been completed, which comprised the collation of information from a range of data sets in relation to VCSE organisations throughout Worcestershire. This work identifies the geographic reach and range of work being undertaken (See Appendix 1 for final report). In addition, the Worcestershire VCSE mental health provision report (2023) has also recently been undertaken and provides additional baseline information (see appendix 2 for final report).

These reports identified some clear next steps to take forward and we are looking to commission a robust survey in order to complete the assessment of the VCSE within Worcestershire. This work will need to ensure it assesses the VCSE services that support health inequalities and communities in our areas of highest need i.e. IMD and underserved areas. 

The Steering Group has a maximum budget of £10,000 (plus VAT) to complete this research. This work will need to include;

Overall survey management, attendance at steering groups, survey design, analysis and evaluation draft and final report, plus summary presentations of results and presentation at up to four meetings.

It is planned to further enhance this research by commissioning specific engagement activity with the sector, which will need to be incorporated into the final report. The details of this work will be developed by the steering group following the initial survey response.

Expression of Interest

The Steering Group are looking for Expressions of Interest from a VCSE sector organisation or individual who works/has worked within the sector who can demonstrate a strong understanding of the VCSE sector in Worcestershire.

These specific tasks form the second phase of this project and focusses on surveys and engagement, building on the phase one report.

The appointed organisation will be responsible for:

  1. Working with the multi organisational project steering group and VCSE Strategic Lead to develop the project scope and providing regular reviews to ensure outcomes and milestones are met.
  2. Facilitate the co-design of a range of interrelated surveys including; one to one interviews, online surveys, facilitated discussions to ensure the breadth and range of VCSE organisations can contribute.
  3. Undertake the evaluation of all engagement and survey activity .
  4. Comparison evaluation against local and national data sets such as UK Civil Society Almanac.
  5. Provide detailed analysis of the survey engagement results and identify recommendations for further actions at both countywide and district level.
  6. Produce a draft and final report and summary presentations.
  7. Ensuring the final document is Web Accessibility compliant.

Expressions of interest will need to include a breakdown of the proposed approach, experience in relation to the task and a detailed budget.

If you or your organisation are interested in this opportunity, please submit an Expression of Interest to Esther Passingham by 5pm on 6th May 2024 outlining the following:

  • Demonstrate VCSE knowledge and experience in relation to Worcestershire
  • Skills, knowledge and experience in research including survey design, mapping and intelligence gathering across a range of techniques and in accordance with ethical guidelines as set out by the relevant professional body
  • Demonstrate membership of a professional research association
  • Evidence of strong project management and co-ordination skills
  • Evidence of strong report writing and action planning skills
  • The ability to analyse complex information

For any further detail or to discuss the project, please don’t hesitate to contact Esther at the above email.

Quotes will be assessed by a panel of VCSE and council representatives as the funders and scored against the key criteria outlined above with 40% of the score attributed to cost and 60% of the score attributed to the quality criteria outlined above.

Download the full tender specification here :