Keeping with the spirit of ABCD this workshop is open to everyone working & living in Worcestershire. Both professionals and community groups working to improve community health and wellbeing in Worcestershire will find this workshop of particular interest. Overview: This one-day interactive workshop will provide a balance of theory, practice…
Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training - new dates announced for April, May, June and July Tier 1 – one hour online session:For people who require general awareness of the support autistic peopleor people with a learning disability may need. This includes all back officeand managerial staff Tier 2 – one day…
The UK Government spends approximately £290 billion a year on goods and services. Charities and social enterprises in England – otherwise known as voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs) – are natural partners for government as they share a commitment to improving the lives of people and places. This fully funded…
Hosted by Active Herefordshire and Worcestershire. This bootcamp is designed to help you build clarity and articulate your “Case for Change” - a compelling narrative that includes the problem you are addressing, the opportunity to create change, and your vision, mission, and purpose. You will be introduced to and encouraged…
Are you part of a voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation linked to health and wellbeing in Worcestershire? Are you interested in finding ways to use community voice to influence policy? Are you wondering how health and social care research can impact and improve practice? So are we! REACH Worcestershire…
The Community Health – Research Training programme aims to enhance the research and evaluation skills of the Worcestershire Wellbeing Roles Network workforce. Following the training, individuals in these roles are expected to feel more confident in utilizing their research skills and various data collection and evaluation approaches during community interactions.…
Wed 13 Mar 2024 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM GMT Online, MS Teams This session will introduce principles for co-production approaches, its opportunities and barriers. You will have an opportunity to reflect on what you currently do and what your organisation can do in the future to ensure further opportunities for true co-production. Co-production brings people with…
Jo Wheatley, Regional Outreach Adviser from Disclosure and Barring Service will be delivering the following workshops: Eligibility Workshop - appropriate for those who need to give advice, make decisions about what levels of DBS checks should be applied for, HR staff etc The aim of this workshop is to understand:…
Organised by Worcestershire County CouncilRaising Awareness of Exploitation and Vulnerability. This course aims to raise awareness of: VulnerabilityAdverse childhood experiencesOrganised Crime Groups/GangsModern Day SlaveryConsent for sexual activityChild Sexual ExploitationCriminal ExploitationAppropriate Language and use ofNational Referral MechanismGDPR/DisclosurePathways/ Diversionary/sharing of intelligence Date: 21st February 2024 Time: 10am – 12pm Location: Virtual training Click…
The Communities team at Wychavon District Council would like to invite you to their Community Network Conference, aimed at supporting voluntary, community and social enterprise groups across the district. The theme this year is ‘Exploring community engagement in the digital age with the third sector’.This free, in-person conference will take place on…
A newly formed collective of Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations working together to make health service provision stronger and develop partnerships that benefit Worcestershire communities.