FREE event – Local co-production in action: voluntary, system and communities

Join the Health and Wellbeing Alliance Experience of Care Sub Group’s Co-production Week event – Co-production in Action. The FREE event will explore why co-production is so important, how to go about doing co-production and showcase good practice examples from across the country.

There will be representatives from the King’s Fund to talk about their recent Actions to support partnership report and resources; ICS Leaders, VCSE leaders and people with lived experience. Speakers will be giving their perspectives on the value of coproduction, sharing their experience of coproduction from the front line, and the role of the VCSE in coproduction.

This is event will be of interest to voluntary sector organisations, people with lived experience who want to influence local systems and people from ICB’s and wider ICSs.

Click here to register.

Organised by NHS Experience of Care Team