Call from NHS H&W :
At NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire we are trying to understand how we can design and plan our services to best meet the needs of people who have more than one long term health condition. This can be defined as conditions that currently have no cure, and are managed with drugs and other treatment.
We are keen to hear from you about what you think good might look like in the future. We will use this information to inform the Long Term Conditions Strategy.
Audience: We would like to hear from patients and carers who have experience of having multiple (more than one) long term condition
Survey: To complete the survey, please use this link:
The survey can also be viewed on the ‘get involved’ pages of the ICS website:
All responses will be anonymous unless you choose to give your details in Question 5. NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) will collate and store the answers that you give. We will publish the anonymous findings to our website and will also share with our partners. Personal identifying information will not appear in any publications resulting from this survey. Your anonymous quotes may be used in this, and other relevant ICB reports.
Deadline: Please complete this survey by 9am, Monday 15 January 2024