Call for Expressions of Interest: Understanding and Strengthening the VCSE Sector in Worcestershire

The Worcestershire VCSE Alliance is calling for Expressions of Interest from organisations or individuals with a strong research background and understanding of the VCSE sector to lead the next phase of the Understanding and Strengthening the VCSE Sector in Worcestershire project. We’re looking for those with a proven, in-depth knowledge of the sector and experience in delivering effective focus groups and one to one interviews.

Building on phase one and two, this third phase aims to create a comprehensive analysis of the VCSE sector’s current landscape in Worcestershire through interviews and focus groups. For background information please refer to the detailed Phase One Report published in March 2024, along with the Worcestershire VCSE Mental Health Provision Report, published in September 2023. We are currently analysing the results of phase two, a sector-wide survey, and these insights will be pivotal in shaping the direction of the third phase.

If you or your organisation are interested in this opportunity, please submit an Expression of Interest to by 12 Midday on Monday 16th September 2024, using the pack below.