Latest updates from the Alliance

🌱 Share Your Insights: Green and Nature-Based Social Prescribing Survey 🌱

NASP are inviting practitioners, provider organisations, social prescribing link workers, and community connectors offering nature-based activities to share their insights in a short survey. This survey will help the cross-government ‘Preventing and Tackling Mental Ill Health through Green Social Prescribing’ programme understand the skills and workforce development needs in this important sector.…

NIHR – Be Part of Research

 We are inviting participants to take part in a video or phone session lasting 40 mins to 1 hour.  We will give you a £25 voucher for attending a session to thank you for your time.  For more information or to sign up go to or scan the QR…

Community Wellbeing Roles : Develop your skillset and help amplify community voices in health and wellbeing

Worcestershire VCSE Alliance is coordinating the development of a community research framework and training modules for the VCSE sector in Worcestershire to support professional development, linked to the principles of Research-Ready Communities. Our aim is to expand the reach and influence of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, and provide…

Orange Button Community Scheme – One year on…

Herefordshire and Worcestershire Orange Button Community Scheme launched in September 2022. The scheme has funded and delivered suicide prevention training to over 600 people across both counties, with 289 people going on to join the scheme. Louise McEvoy, Advanced Public Health Practitioner – Suicide Prevention, at Worcestershire County Council said…

Warm Welcome Spaces in Worcestershire

Do you have a community space that could be used to welcome people looking for warmth and connection? Warm Welcome Spaces open their doors to their local communities, offering everyone a free, warm, welcoming and friendly space. Poverty can compound isolation and loneliness and prevent people from connecting with others. The…