Community Wellbeing Roles : Develop your skillset and help amplify community voices in health and wellbeing

Worcestershire VCSE Alliance is coordinating the development of a community research framework and training modules for the VCSE sector in Worcestershire to support professional development, linked to the principles of Research-Ready Communities. Our aim is to expand the reach and influence of voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, and provide a free professional development opportunity in community research practices. 

People working in Community Wellbeing Roles are well-placed to help the development of a research-led approach to policy- and decision-making that prioritises community voices in health and wellbeing. The success of this project will only be possible with your help.

To find out what current views on research in the sector are, and to provide a baseline for the development of the training materials, we are inviting answers to this short questionnaire. It should take about 5 minutes to complete 

Completing the survey does not commit you to any further participation in the project. If you would like further information, or are interested in supporting the co-development of the project, you will be able to register this at the end of the survey.

Or, you can email Branwen, Community Health – Research Training Lead to express interest or ask questions.

You can also pop along to the Community Wellbeing Roles Monthly Check-In on the 19th December to meet Branwen.

We are holding an online briefing for anyone interested in the project on 12th January at 2pm. Please email for the meeting link.