You are warmly welcomed to…
Community Wellbeing Roles: Quarterly Get Together
11th July 1-2.30pm
>Your role and responsibilities are important
>You and your own wellbeing are important
In April we welcomed people in wellbeing roles* to share their experiences of working in the community and hopes for future support. Your personal and professional development were aspects described as vital to enhancing your own wellbeing and job satisfaction.
Once every 3 months we will be holding a get together for people in community wellbeing roles. These meetings will make space for you to continually connect, support and learn with peers in similar roles.
If this sounds like a welcome opportunity to develop your learning, enjoyment and enthusiasm for the important work you do, please join us on 11th July 1-2.30pm
The 11th July meeting will include:
- Guest speaker Harriet Brown, Head of Housing & Health Partnerships – Worcestershire – who will talk about all things to do with housing providers. How can people in community health access the housing information they need to help the people they support? Followed by your questions to Harriet.
- Discussion around wellbeing roles – developing how we can best support our communities by understanding each other’s work
- Opportunity to chat with others in community wellbeing roles and suggest topics for future get togethers
This first quarterly meeting will be held on MS Teams.
Please email Kay ( if you’d like the meeting link or to ask any questions.
*Community Wellbeing Roles could be, for example (but not limited to) Lifestyle Advisors, Social Prescribers, Community Health Connectors, Mental Health Link Workers, Family Coaches.