Want to know more about what ABCD actually is? This is a great opportunity to attend a one-day, interactive workshop, presented by the ABCD team.
This free, in person ABCD workshop is open to everyone working & living in Worcestershire. Professionals & community groups working to improve community health & wellbeing will find this workshop of interest. With a focus on community building and co-production, ABCD looks at what is strong, building on the gifts (skills, experiences, knowledge & passion) within local communities and connects neighbourhood assets together to build citizen power.
The workshop will help attendees: Understand & apply ABCD principles, become aware of the tools & support available in ABCD application; communicate the value of an ABCD approach with teams & partners.
Use this link to book and find out more information: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/385734812207?aff=oddtdtcreator